My Journey with Acid Reflux

I started experiencing acid reflux during my pregnancies, when I started taking an acid blocker. However, in my early forties, acid reflux came back consistently. During this time, I thought an egg and cheese bagel was a healthy breakfast, but the diary and gluten exacerbated my problem. Speaking with a holistic nutritionist helped me to see how my diet played a role in flare-ups of acid reflux.

Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), causes heartburn, chronic throat irritation, gum irritation, dry mouth, bad breath, bloating, and nausea. It can be triggered by aging, pregnancy, obesity, hiatal hernias, eating an unhealthy diet, or an imbalance of stomach acid.

Including greens in your diet will help reduce acid reflux.

The acid blocker medication I had been taking for years did curb my symptoms, but  it was only a short-term solution. Once I realized that over time the acid blocker had caused my iron levels to deplete, which may have led to hypothyroidism, I knew I would need to find another solution.

“The acid blocker medication I had been taking for years did curb my symptoms, but was only a short-term solution.”

The severity of acid reflux may vary based on an individual’s food sensitivities or other underlying conditions. For me, eliminating grains, dairy, sugar, eggs, and caffeine effectively combatted acid reflux because of my sensitivity to these foods, as well as their general inflammatory effects. Adding leafy greens, vegetables, healthy fats, and berries to my diet also reduced inflammation. Lemon helps as well because, although acidic, it turns to alkaline when it reaches your stomach, which balances stomach acids.

“I saw immediate results after removing certain foods from my diet and adding others.”

Drinking home-pressed celery juice every day has greatly reduced my acid reflux symptoms.

I saw immediate results after removing certain foods from my diet and adding others. I initially followed this plan for six to eight weeks and have stayed consistent with it over time. Now that my gut has had time to heal, I can treat myself to certain foods occasionally without experiencing a flare up of acid reflux. Additionally, in the last year, consuming home-pressed celery juice daily has reduced my acid reflux. Celery juice combats the buildup of bacteria in the stomach that can cause acid reflux in the first place.

If you have been experiencing any of the symptoms of acid reflux, or have been diagnosed with it by your doctor, book an appointment with me to make an alternative treatment plan. Untreated symptoms of acid reflux can lead to serious complications.

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